The T-Rexaurs level 20-29 drop Dragon Fang's, which are needed for Squall's Ultimate Weapon. The monsters tend to drop a lot of Dragon Fangs at once when they do drop them, so if … You can encounter T-Rexaurs in the Balamb Garden Training Center or in the forests on the island of Balamb. Was this article helpful? 25% of 4 players found this article helpful.Name: Dragon Fang. Choose Player Icon to find your Beta Brawler icon.Choose Glider to find your Beta Blue Boosters glider.Choose Customize Brawler to find your rewards:.If you played the Cross-Play Beta back in April 2021 on the same EA Account you’re playing on at launch, you’ll find these rewards waiting for you in-game. Keep an eye on the EA Play rewards page for details of more Knockout City goodies in the future. If you’re an EA Play or EA Play Pro member, you’ll have a Ready Up! Outfit waiting for you when Block Party starts: Choose Player Icon to see Bomb Ball, Pixel-Dillo, and Noodles Gone Bad.
Choose Intro Pose to set yours as Calling In Reinforcements. Choose Glider to find your Mach 1 glider. Choose Glasses to find your LED the Way glasses. Choose Hairstyle and look for Locked Horns. Choose Outfit to find and equip your Cyber Spike. Choose Customize Brawler to find your awesome new gear:. You’ll see your Holobux balance on the main menu screen and in the Brawl Shop. Choose Customize Brawler, then Outfit to find your High Fidelity outfit. Choose Logo to find your three Crew Logos: Ninja Strike, Record Scratched, and Crazy Eye. Choose Banner to find your three banners: High-End, Kintsugi, and Strata. Choose Vehicle to find your Convertible - Black and Gold. Choose Your Crew, then Customize Crew to find your Crew items. If your Holobux still don’t show up, contact us and let us know.
Check that you’re playing on the same platform you bought the Holobux on (If you bought them on Xbox One you should have them available to spend on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S). If you’ve bought Holobux and you can’t see them in-game: For example, you won’t see Holobux that you bought on PC when you’re playing on PlayStation.ĭon’t worry though, anything you buy with those Holobux stays with you and can be used whichever platform you’re playing on. When you buy Holobux, you can only spend them on the platform you bought them on. Holobux that you earn in-game travel with you between PC, PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox - as long as those accounts are all linked to the same EA Account. If you’re switching between platforms, as long as all your accounts are linked to the same EA Account, your gear and items will follow you, too. Whenever you earn or buy something in-game you’ll find it in either Brawler Customization or Your Crew - Crew Customization. Bought something new in Knockout City, and can’t find it? We’ve got the info you need.